The Dauphin Ag Society was established in 1891 in Dauphin, a community located in the beautiful Parkland Region of Manitoba. The Dauphin Ag Society aims to promote agriculture, support the Dauphin community, and provide family orientated fun. The Dauphin Ag Society is a not-for-profit organization that has a dedicated group of community volunteers consisting of directors, committee chairpersons, an executive, exhibitors, vendors, educators, and numerous other volunteers.
Looking forward to the 2024 Dauphin Fair June 28th, 29th & 30th
Upcoming Events

RCMP Musical Ride 2024
The RCMP Muscial Ride will be in Dauphin on August 3rd at 12:30pm.
The Musical Ride
"A symbol of tradition, honour, and pride, the Musical Ride is a Canadian icon recognized at home and abroad. The Musical Ride supports front-line police operations by building positive relationships, supporting recruiting efforts and promoting the RCMP's image in communities in Canada and around the world.
The troop of up to 32 riders, who are all police officers, and their horses perform intricate formations and drills set to music, lasting about 30 minutes. These movements demand the utmost control, timing, and coordination."
Tickets can be purchased at both Dauphin Co-op Gas Bar locations or at the gate at the event
How to get to the grandstands?
- off of 1st STREET SE (where you would come into the parking lot for events at Credit Union Place)
- off of 4th AVENUE SE
*we will have people directing traffic.
** handicapped placards must be visible if you have one.

2024 DAS Bursary
For over thirty years the Dauphin Agricultural Society has proudly offered a bursary for a local high school graduate interested in studying for a career in human ecology or agriculture.
In 2024, the Dauphin Agricultural Society is offering an award of $ 1000.00 towards the first or second year of tuition for post secondary studies in Human Ecology, Agriculture, Environment, Food Science, Human Nutrition, Agriculture Engineering or Veterinary Medicine (applicant may be entering University 1 with the intent to pursue a degree in one of these areas), a university diploma in Agriculture, community college diploma in agri-business, vet technician or other agriculture related course including apprenticeship programs at any post secondary educational institution in Canada or the USA.

For Immediate Release
The Dauphin Agriculture Society is proud to announce that the RCMP Musical Ride will be coming to Dauphin Saturday August 3, 2024.
The Musical Ride was last in Dauphin 7 Years ago. We are so excited to be able to host this amazing showing of tradition, honour and pride that is recognized across this great country.
Join us August 3, 2024, as we host the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride. More information on show times and details to follow.
Terron Stykalo